Practice Exam 1 - Project 4¶
You are preparing a report on popular Rock Art sites within the State of Utah.
Task 1¶
At the end of the document, insert the file Preservation.docx located in the GMetrixTemplates folder. (Accept all defaults)
Task 2¶
Use the Go To feature to navigate to the Bookmark sites and delete both the heading and paragraph starting at Where to find...
On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Find and select Go To...
In the Go to what: window, scroll down and select Bookmark.
Beneath Enter bookmark name: click the down-arrow and select sites.
Click Go To.
Word will jump to the heading Where to Find Rock Art and the entire paragraph will be selected. Click Close, to exit the Go To tool.
Delete the paragraph using either the Backspace key, Delete key, or by clicking Cut on the Home tab.
Task 3¶
Add a Blank footer with the text UTAH TRAVEL INFORMATION.
Task 4¶
Modify the citation by Thor Christensen so the year is 2012.
Select the References tab.
In the Citations & Bibliography group, click Manage Sources.
In the right window pane, select the citation by the author Christensen and then click Edit.
Change the year from 2015 to 2012.
Click OK.
If prompted, "Do you want to update both lists with these changes?" Click No.
Click Close.
Task 5¶
Add an Automatic Table 2 table of contents on the second page replacing the text "<Insert table of Contents Here>".